Can you help me solve the equation its kind of difficult :)

In the app you are creating, a duck is going to fly from the coordinates (1, 3) then go 3 units right. And 6 units down. Write a rule to describe the translation. What are the coordinates of the duck’s final position?

This would be interpreted as (1+3,3-6), which would be (4,-3)

When you are going right, you go right on the x-axis, and when you are going down, you are going down on the y-axis. Hope that makes sense.

How do you write a rule and describe the translation and work it out to find the ducks final position

I would write your translation this way:

(x,y) ---> (x+3, y-6)

Sure, I can help you with that!

To describe a translation, we need to consider the changes in the x-coordinate (horizontal movement) and the y-coordinate (vertical movement).

In this case, the duck starts at the coordinates (1, 3). We are given that it moves 3 units to the right and 6 units down.

To determine the final coordinates, we need to add the respective changes to the initial coordinates.

For the x-coordinate:
1 + 3 = 4

For the y-coordinate:
3 - 6 = -3

Therefore, the coordinates of the duck's final position are (4, -3).

In summary, the rule to describe this translation is to add 3 units to the x-coordinate and subtract 6 units from the y-coordinate of the initial position (1, 3).