Which of the following statements would describe one strength of the articles of confederation?

A: the confederation Congress could pass taxes.
B: the federal court system handled all judicial matters.
C: any law passed by the confederation Congress would override state laws.
D: the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power. ****

You got the right answer. Congress couldn't tax, and laws don't get passed, but only made.

Please help me!😥 I think its d a help me ms.sue plzzzzz

Thank you I made 100% !!!!

You are welcome. Hope you understand why.

To determine which statement describes one strength of the Articles of Confederation, we can analyze each option and assess its accuracy. Let's break down each statement:

A: The confederation Congress could pass taxes.
This statement is not accurate. Under the Articles of Confederation, the confederation Congress did not have the authority to impose taxes. Instead, they could only request funds from the states, which often led to financial difficulties.

B: The federal court system handled all judicial matters.
This statement is also not accurate. The Articles of Confederation did not establish a federal court system. Each state had its own courts, and there was no central judiciary at the national level.

C: Any law passed by the confederation Congress would override state laws.
This statement is also incorrect. Under the Articles of Confederation, state laws took precedence over laws passed by the confederation Congress. This arrangement made it difficult for the central government to enforce its decisions and maintain unity among the states.

D: The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.
This statement accurately describes one strength of the Articles of Confederation. By not having a strong executive branch, the Articles aimed to prevent the concentration of power and potential abuse by a single authority. This was a deliberate attempt to avoid replicating the tyranny experienced under British rule.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power. This statement highlights the intent of the Articles to distribute power among the states rather than centralizing it in a national executive authority.

Please help me!😥