Create a visually appealing, abstract image representing a geometric progression, without any text. The image should hint towards the mathematical concept of a geometric progression by showing a sequence of geometric objects that follow the ratio pattern of 4, 3, m, 1, n. This could be represented by a series of spheres changing in size according to the given ratios. But remember, the exact values of 'm' and 'n' are unknown and should be subtly symbolised as mysteries or riddles in the illustration.

if 4/3, m, 1, n...form a GP, the product of m and n is

Common ratio is 1/m which is equal to n/1 (i.e taken from any two close terms).

Thus: 1/m=n/1
Cross multiply
Therefore the product of m and n is 1.

T3=ar² ÷ m(T1)=ar

Therefore m=1/r
For n(T4),
T4= (3/4)×r³
(T3)1= (3/4)r²
Therefore n/1=r

Therefore, m×n=1/r×r

The answer is 1

the term between them

To determine the product of "m" and "n" in the given geometric progression (GP), we need to find the common ratio (r).

In a GP, each term (except the first term) is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a fixed value called the common ratio. Let's find the common ratio by comparing the ratios of consecutive terms:

Term 2 / Term 1 = m / (4/3)
Term 3 / Term 2 = 1 / m
Term 4 / Term 3 = n / 1

Since the terms form a geometric progression, these ratios should be equal. Setting up equations:

m / (4/3) = 1 / m --> Equation 1
1 / m = n / 1 --> Equation 2

Simplifying Equation 2, we get:
n = m^2 --> Equation 2'

Now, substitute Equation 2' into Equation 1 to solve for "m":

m / (4/3) = 1 / m
m^2 = 4/3

Taking the square root of both sides:
m = ± √(4/3)

Since m is positive (as a negative value would result in a negative product), we take the positive square root:

m = √(4/3) = √4 / √3 = 2 / √3 = (2√3) / 3

To find "n", substitute the value of "m" into Equation 2':

n = (2√3 / 3)^2
n = (4 * 3) / 9
n = 12 / 9
n = 4 / 3

Therefore, the product of "m" and "n" is:

m * n = [(2√3) / 3] * [4 / 3]
= (8√3) / 9

sorry...forgot the square

the square of the term between them

Thank you very well

