which of the following would describe one strength of the articles of confederation?

a. The confederation congress could pass taxes
b. The federal courtroom handled all judicial matters
c. any law passed by the confederation congress would override state laws.
d. the lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power

And you think ... ?

i think its a

I agree.

To determine which of the following options describes one strength of the Articles of Confederation, let's evaluate each option individually:

a. The confederation congress could pass taxes: This is not a strength of the Articles of Confederation. In fact, one of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation was that the national government did not have the power to levy taxes, making it difficult for them to fund their operations.

b. The federal courtroom handled all judicial matters: This is also not a strength of the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no federal court system to handle judicial matters. Each state maintained its own court system, and there was no unified federal judiciary.

c. Any law passed by the confederation congress would override state laws: This is a potential strength of the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, the central government had the authority to pass laws that would apply to all states, superseding any conflicting state laws. However, it is worth noting that this power was limited, and the central government struggled to enforce its laws effectively.

d. The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power: This is also a potential strength of the Articles of Confederation. The absence of a strong executive branch meant that there was no single individual or body with excessive power to abuse. This was seen as a safeguard against potential tyranny or abuse of power.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. The lack of an executive branch minimized the abuse of power.