Which of these BEST explains how the cell membrane helps animal cells grow and divide? It transports enzymes. It stores genetic information. It supplies the cell with energy. It controls materials that enter and exit the cell

It controls materials that enter and exit the cell- This is the role of the cell membrane

Hope this makes sense.

AJ L is right!

It stores genetic information.

The correct answer is: "It controls materials that enter and exit the cell."

To understand why the cell membrane helps animal cells grow and divide, we need to understand the function of the cell membrane.

The cell membrane is a thin, flexible barrier that surrounds the cell and separates its internal environment from the external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins. One important function of the cell membrane is to control the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

When it comes to cell growth and division, the cell needs to take in nutrients and remove waste products efficiently. The cell membrane allows selective permeability, meaning it permits some substances to move across while restricting others.

During cell growth, the cell membrane plays a crucial role in the intake of nutrients required for the synthesis of new cellular components. It allows essential molecules, such as glucose and amino acids, to enter the cell through transport proteins embedded in the membrane. These nutrients serve as building blocks for the creation of new cellular components, enabling the cell to grow.

For cell division, the cell membrane also aids in the process. The cell membrane regulates the movement of organelles and structures involved in cell division, such as the spindle fibers during mitosis. It helps in the separation of genetic material, ensuring that each daughter cell receives the correct amount of DNA.

In summary, the cell membrane facilitates the growth and division of animal cells by controlling the materials that enter and exit the cell.