1. Which element of plot matches the definition?

the outcome of the conflict in a plot
A. resolution
B. exposition
C. rising action
D. falling action
Please help... thank you!

Ms. Amber -- you just insulted Sowwy by posting an answer. Not only is it insulting to assume she couldn't read the Google site, but you posted the WRONG ANSWER. On top of it, you were so arrogant that you didn't read the site that I posted!

If this happens again, you'll be banned.

I am still puzzled. My answer was D, but if that is wrong, would the answer be resolution?

Yes. resolution.

To determine which element of the plot matches the given definition, let's review the different elements of a plot. A plot typically consists of five main elements: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Exposition: This is the beginning of the story where the characters, setting, and background information are introduced.

Rising Action: This element involves a series of events that build tension or conflict in the story. It usually leads up to the climax.

Climax: The climax is the turning point of the story, often the most intense or dramatic moment where the conflict reaches its peak.

Falling Action: Following the climax, falling action includes events that occur as a result of the climax. It leads to the resolution.

Resolution: This is the final part of the story where the conflicts are resolved, and loose ends are tied up.

Now, considering the given definition - "the outcome of the conflict in a plot" - we can see that it refers to the resolution. The resolution is where the conflicts in a story are resolved, and the outcome of the conflict becomes clear.

So, in this case, the correct answer would be:

A. resolution

Therefore, the element of the plot that matches the given definition is "resolution."


That would be D. Review your textbook or lesson.