Can someone explain me how to do it and write it out In the app you are creating, a duck is going to fly from the coordinates (1, 3) then go 3 units right. And 6 units down.

Write a rule to describe the translation.
What are the coordinates of the duck’s final position?

surely, (x,y) -> (x+3,y-6)

S take whatever starting coordinates you have and apply those translations to x and y.

For example, (3,4) -> (6,-2)

To describe the translation of the duck in the app, we can use a coordinate rule.

A coordinate rule describes how the x and y coordinates of an object change as it is moved. In this case, the duck starts at coordinates (1, 3) and then goes 3 units to the right and 6 units down.

To move the object to the right, we add the number of units to the x-coordinate. And to move it down, we subtract the number of units from the y-coordinate.

So, using the coordinate rule, we can describe the translation of the duck as follows:

(x, y) --> (x + 3, y - 6)

This means that for every unit the duck moves to the right, the x-coordinate increases by 3, and for every unit it moves down, the y-coordinate decreases by 6.

Now, to find the final position of the duck, we apply this rule to the initial coordinates (1, 3):

(1 + 3, 3 - 6)

Simplifying this, we get:

(4, -3)

Therefore, the final position of the duck is at coordinates (4, -3).