Please waht are meaning of the following functions when using Fortran


ii) AMOD

iii) IDIM

iv) CABS


Search on Google, each term like this:

fortran idim

fortran cabs

fortran amod

fortran DSIN

Sure! I can help explain the meaning of the following functions when using Fortran:

i) DSIN: The DSIN function in Fortran is used to calculate the sine of a double-precision (real*8) input value. To understand more about the DSIN function and how to use it in Fortran, you can search for "fortran DSIN" on your preferred search engine to find relevant documentation and examples.

ii) AMOD: The AMOD function in Fortran is used to compute the modulus (remainder) of two input values, where the inputs can be of any numeric type. It returns the remainder of x/y, where x and y are the input values. To learn more about the AMOD function and its usage in Fortran, you can search for "fortran AMOD" on the internet to find detailed explanations and code examples.

iii) IDIM: The IDIM function in Fortran is used to calculate the positive difference between two input integer values. It returns the value of x-y if x>y, otherwise 0. The IDIM function is helpful in cases where you want to ensure that the result is always positive. To explore more about the IDIM function and its implementation in Fortran, you can search for "fortran IDIM" on your preferred search engine to find relevant resources.

iv) CABS: The CABS function in Fortran is used to compute the absolute value (magnitude) of a complex number. It takes a complex input value and returns a positive real value as the result. If the input is a real number, it returns the absolute value of that number. To understand more about the CABS function and how to use it in Fortran, you can search for "fortran CABS" on the internet to find comprehensive explanations and code examples.

By searching for each function individually on your preferred search engine, you should be able to find detailed documentation and examples to get a better understanding of their usage in Fortran programming.