Can someone plz see if this is right.

The average daily temperature in Denton went from –8°F in January to 43°F in March. What was the change in average daily temperature from January to March? The figure shows a thermometer scale. The values on the thermometer scale range from negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit to 50 degrees Fahrenheit in increments of 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

A. The average temperature rose 51°F.
B. The average temperature rose 35°F.
C. The average temperature fell 51°F.
D. The average temperature fell 35°F.

Mrs. Shea

Do you even know how to be a teacher?

And plus ur not a real teacher cause a REAL teacher like Ms. Sue knows grammar

can someone just give me all the answers?

Yes, A.

cause being a teacher does not mean to just give ur students answers

So back off Ms. Sue

Ms. Sue I am so very sorry for what you had to see

all of this is just people coming at each other-

dang... what happend here???

who wants to know the anwsers.