In a class of 60 students,the number of students who passed biology is 6 more than the number who passed chemistry.Every student passed at least one of the two many students passed biology many students passed chemistry many students passed only one subject

If c passed chemistry, then c+6 passed biology

If x passed both, then all we know is that
c + c+6 - x = 60
2c-x = 54
x can be anything from 0 to 52.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step-by-step:

Let's assume the number of students who passed chemistry is x.
According to the problem, the number of students who passed biology is 6 more than the number who passed chemistry, so the number of students who passed biology would be x + 6.

Now, since every student passed at least one of the two subjects, we can add the two numbers together, accounting for any potential overlap of students who passed both subjects:
x + (x + 6) = 60

Combining like terms, we can simplify the equation:
2x + 6 = 60

Subtracting 6 from both sides of the equation:
2x = 54

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2:
x = 27

Therefore, the number of students who passed chemistry is 27.

To find the number of students who passed biology, we can substitute the value of x back into the equation:
x + 6 = 27 + 6 = 33

So, the number of students who passed biology is 33.

Finally, to find the number of students who passed only one subject, we can subtract the overlap of students who passed both subjects from the total number of students:
60 - (x + x + 6) = 60 - (27 + 33) = 60 - 60 = 0

Therefore, no students passed only one subject, as all students passed both chemistry and biology.