How did the Spanish-American War affect the citizens of New Mexico? Provide at least two ways.

I need help I don't get it at all

The Spanish-American War had several effects on the citizens of New Mexico. Here are two ways in which it impacted the people:

1. Recruitment and Military Service: The Spanish-American War offered an opportunity for New Mexicans to participate in military service. Many young men from New Mexico joined the United States military to fight in the war. This allowed them to gain valuable military experience and skills. Joining the military also provided them with opportunities for travel and exposure to different cultures, which expanded their worldview. Additionally, the war created a sense of patriotism and nationalism among the people of New Mexico.

To find more details about the recruitment and military service of New Mexicans during the Spanish-American War, you could start by looking for historical records, memoirs, and newspapers from the time period. These sources might provide firsthand accounts and statistics about the number of New Mexicans who enlisted, their experiences during the war, and any impacts on their lives after returning home.

2. Economic Impact: The Spanish-American War had economic implications for New Mexico. With the increased demand for supplies and resources from the military, there was a boost in the local economy. Agricultural products, such as livestock and crops, were in high demand to feed and support the troops. This resulted in higher prices for these products, leading to improved economic conditions for farmers and ranchers in New Mexico.

To explore the economic impact of the Spanish-American War on New Mexico further, you could search for historical sources that provide data on local markets, agricultural production, and trade during that period. Archival records, economic reports, and local newspapers could offer insights into specific industries that benefited from the war and how it affected the livelihoods of New Mexicans.

Remember, conducting detailed research using a variety of reputable sources will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the specific effects of the Spanish-American War on the citizens of New Mexico.