If 3(N2! +24)=2N2!, find the positive value of N?

N2! ?? , so that would be like 2N ??

let N2! = x
3(x+24) = 2x
3x + 72 = 2x
x = -72

N2! = -72
N = -36

If you mean

3((n^2)! + 24) = 2(n^2)!
then let u = (n^2)! and you have
3u + 72 = 2u
which has no solutions, since (n^2)! is never negative.
Care to repost using some parentheses to clarify what you mean?

To find the positive value of N in the equation 3(N^2! + 24) = 2N^2!, let's break down the equation step by step.

Firstly, since both sides of the equation contain a factorial (N^2!), let's simplify that. The factorial of a number means multiplying all the positive integers up to that number. So, we can rewrite N^2! as N^2 * (N^2 - 1) * (N^2 - 2) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1.

Now, let's substitute N^2! in the equation with its expanded form:
3(N^2 * (N^2 - 1) * (N^2 - 2) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1 + 24) = 2N^2!

Next, we can distribute the 3 across all the terms inside the parentheses:
3N^2 * (N^2 - 1) * (N^2 - 2) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1 + 3 * 24 = 2N^2!

Simplifying further, we get:
3N^2 * (N^2 - 1) * (N^2 - 2) * ... * 2 * 1 + 72 = 2N^2!

Since we want to find the positive value of N, we need to solve this equation to find the roots.

Now, let's focus on the terms involving N^2. On the left side of the equation, the highest power of N is N^2. On the right side, we only have 2N^2.

To get both sides of the equation to have the same power of N (which is N^2), we can divide the entire equation by N^2.

After dividing by N^2, the equation becomes:
3(N^2 - 1) * (N^2 - 2) * ... * 2 * 1 + 72/N^2 = 2

Now, we have an equation with a constant on one side and a polynomial on the other side. We need to solve for N by factoring the polynomial or using other algebraic methods.

Unfortunately, without further information or restrictions, it is not possible to determine the positive value of N that satisfies the equation. The equation might have multiple solutions, imaginary solutions, or no real solutions at all.

Hence, the positive value of N cannot be determined with the given information. You would need more information or constraints to find the specific value of N.