Which sentence BEST describes the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s?

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To determine the BEST sentence describing the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s, we need to understand what mercantilism is and how it influenced the trade.

Mercantilism was an economic doctrine prevalent during the 16th and 18th centuries, focusing on the accumulation of wealth for nations through trade. It emphasized the importance of accumulating precious metals, establishing colonies, and maintaining a favorable balance of trade.

Therefore, the BEST sentence describing the role of mercantilism in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s would be:

"Mercantilism played a significant role in the growth of transatlantic trade during the 1600s by promoting nation-states to establish colonies, monopolize resources, and achieve a favorable balance of trade, thereby driving increased exchanges of goods and resources across the Atlantic."