Which of the following correctly revises the sentence so that it is entirely in the active voice?

It has been decided by the school that the class should not be evaluated by their regular teacher; instead, the assessment should be performed by a visiting scholar.
a. It has been decided by the school that the regular teacher should not evaluate the class: instead, the assessment should be performed by a visiting scholar.
b. The school has decided that the class should not be evaluated by their regular teacher; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.
c. It has been decided by the school that the regular teacher should not evaluate the class; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.***


The correct answer is c. It has been decided by the school that the regular teacher should not evaluate the class; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.

To revise the sentence into the active voice, we need to change the sentence structure so that the subject is the one performing the action. In this case, we want to focus on who is performing the assessment.

In the original sentence, the subject (the school) is being acted upon (it has been decided). To change it to the active voice, we need to make the subject (the regular teacher) the one performing the action (should not evaluate). Additionally, we need to rephrase the second part of the sentence so that it is also in the active voice, making the visiting scholar the one performing the assessment.

Option c accomplishes this by stating that the school has decided (active voice) that the regular teacher should not evaluate the class and that a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.