Lesson 6: Multiplication of Rational Numbers

Math 7A Unit 4: Operations with Fractions and Rational Numbers
-7/9 x 3/5
a. -27/45
b. -7/15
c. 7/15 ***
d. 27/45



Dom is correct




What are all the answers

Dom is correct!

(If they change the answers then,
B -7/15
D 1/2
C -1 1/5
D 1 1/4)

-7/9 * 3/5 = -21/45 = -7/15

nope. DOM IS CORRECT I am not.

Rei, when you multiple a positive with a positive, OR a negative with a negative, you get a positive; +x += + OR -x-=+. but when you multiple a negative with a positive, you get a negative -x+=- OR +x-=-.

so that tells us your final answer will be negative.

when you multiple two fractions, you pretty much multiple the tops together and bottoms together. 7/9 x 3/5, the top is 7*3=21. the bottom is 9*5=45. so that's 21/45. and remember from earlier, our answer has to be negative, so -21/45.

but that's not any of the choices, so let's try to reduce our fraction. go through some trial and error, and you can see both the top and bottom can be divided by 3. 21/3=7 and 45/3=15. so our reduced form is -7/15

Thats what I want to know

yep he right

I like the skatepark