Why is "How many continents are there?" is not a statistical question?

A. there is only one answer.
B. the answer is unknown.
C. the answer is less than ten.
D. everyone knows the answer.

Plz help!

A. There is only one answer.

I need to know

Yes it is a i took the quiz

Yes A. there is only one answer is correct the answer its pretty obvious though


Is A. the real answer or are you just Trolling?

Is A right???

To determine if a question is statistical or not, we need to consider the following characteristics:

1. Variation: A statistical question should involve variation in the possible answers. This means that there should be multiple potential outcomes or possibilities.

2. Data Collection: Statistical questions require data collection to answer them accurately. This usually involves gathering information or observations from a sample or population.

Now let's assess the question "How many continents are there?" based on these characteristics:

A. There is only one answer: This supports the claim that the question is not statistical because it suggests that there is only a single correct answer. Statistical questions typically have multiple potential answers or outcomes.

B. The answer is unknown: This suggests that there might be some variation in the possible answers, which aligns with a statistical question. However, the question itself does not require data collection to determine the answer.

C. The answer is less than ten: This option introduces a restriction on the number of potential answers. If it were true, it would limit the variation and make the question less statistical. However, this statement is not generally accurate, as most people would agree that there are seven continents. So, this option does not strongly support the question being non-statistical.

D. Everyone knows the answer: If everyone already knows the answer, it implies that there is no variability in the response, and the question is not statistical. However, this statement is not universally true, as knowledge can vary across individuals or cultures.

Considering these options, the best answer that indicates why "How many continents are there?" is not a statistical question is option A: there is only one answer. This option suggests that there is no variability in the potential responses, which does not align with a statistical question.

It's not a statistical question for the same reason that 14 + 5 is not a statistical question.

Which one of your answer sources is also true of 14 + 5?