how do I divide 64 bundles of newspaper in2 two groups so the ratio is 3:5

Let x = the smaller bundle

3/8 = x/64

Cross multiply and solve for x.

8x = 192

x = 24

64 - 24 = 40

24/40 = 3/5


let the bundles contain 3x and 5x papers
x = 8
so 3x ---> 24
and 5x ---> 40

To divide 64 bundles of newspaper into two groups with a ratio of 3:5, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio
Add the two parts of the ratio (3 + 5) to get the total number of parts, which is 8.

Step 2: Divide the total number of bundles by the total number of parts
Divide the total number of bundles (64) by the total number of parts (8) to find the value of one part.
64 Γ· 8 = 8

Step 3: Multiply the value of one part by each part of the ratio
Multiply the value of one part by the first part of the ratio (3) to find the number of bundles in the first group,
8 x 3 = 24 bundles.
Similarly, multiply the value of one part by the second part of the ratio (5) to find the number of bundles in the second group,
8 x 5 = 40 bundles.

Therefore, you need to divide the 64 bundles of newspaper into two groups: one group with 24 bundles and the other group with 40 bundles to maintain the ratio of 3:5.