“Lob’s Girl” and “Jeremiah’s Song” contain flashbacks. In a paragraph, explain what this plot technique adds to the stories. Support your answer with one detail from each story. Use the reading selections to help you answer the question.

"In a paragraph, explain what this plot technique adds to the stories."

In one sentence, define "flashback" in your own words. Then add another sentence explaining why you think these authors use flashbacks instead of just telling the stories from the beginning to end.

"Support your answer with one detail from each story. Use the reading selections to help you answer the question."
Chose one detail from each story to prove why you think flashbacks help tell the stories better than just straightforward chronological order.

You're welcome.

Thank you Writeteacher

The use of flashbacks in "Lob's Girl" and "Jeremiah's Song" adds depth and complexity to the stories by providing insight into past events and characters' motivations. In "Lob's Girl," the flashback reveals the heartbreaking backstory of how Jon's father, a truck driver, had tragically lost his life in a car accident. This adds a layer of understanding to Jon's reluctance to let go of Lob, his deceased dog, as he is reminded of the pain of losing a loved one. Additionally, in "Jeremiah's Song," the flashback to Jeremiah's childhood shows the pivotal moment when his father leaves their family, leaving Jeremiah feeling abandoned and misunderstood. This helps us sympathize with Jeremiah's current struggles and root for him as he finds solace and connection through music. Overall, the plot technique of flashbacks enriches these stories by shedding light on characters' past traumas and shaping their present circumstances.

Sorry -- but I haven't read this. And I doubt if anyone else here has read it either.