if rain is falling at a rate of 2.01 in./h how much rain would you expect after five hours express your answer rounding correctly to the nearest 10th of an inch

Either add it up 5 times...

or do 5X2.01 and round correctly : )

2.01 in/hr x 5 hr = ?

To find out how much rain would be expected after five hours, we can multiply the rate of rainfall (2.01 in./h) by the number of hours (5). Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Multiply the rate of rainfall by the number of hours:
2.01 in./h * 5 h = 10.05 in.

2. The result of 10.05 inches indicates the amount of rain expected after five hours.

Now, rounding the answer to the nearest tenth of an inch:
- Since the hundredth decimal place is 5 (0.05), we need to round up.
- Therefore, rounding 10.05 to the nearest tenth of an inch gives us 10.1 inches.

Hence, you would expect approximately 10.1 inches of rain after five hours.