-3 < -x -2 < 4

I know how to solve inequalities, I just don't know how to make x a positive number. could someone help me out?

-3 < -x -2 < 4

add 2 to each part
-1 < -x < 6
divide each part by -1, remember when dividing or multiplying by a negative the inequality sign has to be reversed.
1 > x > -6
or, turning it around
-6 < x < 1

ohh thank you so much! I was confused how to do that, thank you for the explanation.

-3 < -x-2 < 4.

Add 2 to all sides and get:
-1 < -x < 6,
Multiply all sides by -1 and get:
1 > X > -6. Reversed inequality signs.

To solve the inequality -3 < -x - 2 < 4 and make x a positive number, we need to isolate the variable x. Here's how you can go about it:

First, let's simplify the inequality:
-3 < -x - 2 < 4

Next, subtract 2 from all parts of the inequality:
-3 - 2 < -x - 2 - 2 < 4 - 2
-5 < -x < 2

Now, to make x positive, we need to multiply both sides of the inequality by -1. Remember that when you multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign flips. Let's do it step by step:

Multiply by -1 to change the sign:
-1 * -5 > -1 * -x > -1 * 2
5 > x > -2

The inequality becomes:
-2 < x < 5

Now x is a positive number within the given inequality. The solution to -3 < -x - 2 < 4 with x as a positive number is -2 < x < 5.