i couldn't find many answers to help with this so heres the answers as of October 2019 for The Roman and Byzantine Empires Practice

1. Constantine: built a new capital city in the East
Diocletian: split the empire into east and west
Hadrian: traveled the empire and built a wall in Britain
2. C. People are equal in the eyes of God.
3. Jesus the savior: Christianity
Old Testament: Judaism & Christianity
Trinity: Christianity
4. A. give good speeches
5. B. The Roman empire had to defend thousands of miles of border.
6. Imperial Crisis & invasion
7. B. They hindered Roman trade along the Silk Road & E. They drove Germanic people into the empire
8. Roman empire: Latin as official language & Twelve Tables - Byzantine empire: Greek as official language & Cyrillic alphabet
9. C. ongoing wars with the Sasanian Persians
10. The Great Schism resulted largely from a disagreement over: Church Leadership
11. Pope & Patriarch
12. persecuted Christians: Nero & Diocletian - supported Christianity: Theodosius & Constantine
13. apostles & non-jews
14. Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Presbyterian, Lutheran
15. through the development of international trade routes

Thank you for providing the answers to the questions from the October 2019 Roman and Byzantine Empires Practice. While it's great that you have the answers, it's also important to understand how to arrive at these answers. Here's a breakdown of how you can find the answers to each question:

1. Constantine: Constantine the Great was a Roman Emperor who built a new capital city in the East, known as Constantinople. To find this answer, you could read about the life and achievements of Constantine in historical books or reliable online sources.

2. C. People are equal in the eyes of God: This answer is related to religious beliefs. To understand this concept, you might need to study the teachings of Christianity, which emphasizes the equality of all individuals in the eyes of God.

3. To determine the correct option for each, you need to have some knowledge of the different religions and their respective texts. For example:
- Jesus the savior: This answer points to Christianity, as Jesus is considered the savior in Christian belief.
- Old Testament: This refers to the Jewish sacred text and is also recognized by Christianity.
- Trinity: The concept of the Trinity is specific to Christianity.

4. A. give good speeches: This question is related to public speaking skills. It's beneficial to study the qualities and abilities of great speakers throughout history to determine the answer.

5. B. The Roman empire had to defend thousands of miles of border: This answer relates to the Roman Empire's vast territorial expanse and the challenges it faced in defending its borders. Understanding the history of Roman military campaigns and border defenses will help you find this answer.

6. This question is about the causes of the decline of the Roman Empire. This topic requires understanding historical events such as the Imperial Crisis and invasions that weakened the empire. Researching these events will help you determine the correct answer.

7. To find the correct options for this question, you need to study the impact of the Roman Empire on trade routes and the movement of people. Look for information about the Silk Road and the Germanic migrations to understand how they affected Roman trade.

8. This question is about the official language and legal structure of the Roman and Byzantine empires. To find the answer, you need to study the official languages and legal systems of both empires.

9. C. ongoing wars with the Sasanian Persians: Understanding the conflicts and wars between the Roman Empire and the Sasanian Persians will help you arrive at this answer.

10. This question asks about the cause of the Great Schism. Understanding the differences between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church and the specific disagreements over church leadership will help you identify the correct answer.

11. This question asks about significant figures in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Studying the roles and positions of the Pope and the Patriarch in their respective churches will help you find the answer.

12. This question requires knowledge of the persecution and support of Christianity by different Roman emperors. Researching the reigns of Nero, Diocletian, Theodosius, and Constantine will enable you to identify the correct answers.

13. This question is about the individuals associated with Christianity. Understanding the roles and significance of the apostles and non-Jewish believers will help you determine the correct answer.

14. This question asks about different Christian denominations. Studying the history and beliefs of Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Presbyterianism, and Lutheranism will help you identify the correct answers.

15. This question asks about the development of international trade routes. Studying the expansion of trade during the Roman and Byzantine periods and the establishment of trade routes like the Silk Road will help you find the answer.

Remember, it's not just about finding the correct answers but also understanding the underlying concepts and historical events. Good luck with your studies!