

You must be studying the binomial expansion

I hope your teacher has made you aware of Pascal's Triangle.
Look at the row that starts with 1,5 ...
It should be 1 5 10 10 5 1

and (p+3)^5
= p^5 + 5(p^4)(3) + 10(p^3)(3^2) + 10(p^2)(3^3) + 5(p)(3^4) + 3^5
= p^5 + 15p^4 + 90p^3 + 270p^2 + 405p + 243


To simplify the expression (p+3)5, you can use the distributive property of multiplication over addition. This property states that when you multiply a number by a sum or difference, you can distribute the multiplication to each term within the parentheses.

To solve the expression (p+3)5, you need to multiply each term inside the parentheses by 5.

Step 1: Distribute the 5 to each term inside the parentheses:
(p+3)5 = p(5) + 3(5)

Step 2: Simplify each term:
p(5) = 5p
3(5) = 15

Step 3: Combine the simplified terms:
5p + 15

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5p + 15.

5p + 15