1. Identify the graph(s) whose line may have the given slope.

Then, describe your strategy for matching the graphs to the
given slopes. a.1/4 b.0 c.5/4 d.-3

To identify the graph(s) whose line may have the given slope, we need to understand the relationship between slope and the equation of a line.

The slope of a line can be determined by looking at the coefficient of the x-term in the equation of the line. The standard equation of a line is y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line.

Now, let's analyze the given slopes to identify which graphs may have lines with those slopes:

a. 1/4: The equation of the line would be y = (1/4)x + b. This means that the line has a positive slope of 1/4. To match this slope, we look for graphs that have lines with a positive inclination or inclination less than 45 degrees.

b. 0: The equation of the line would be y = 0x + b, which simplifies to y = b. This means that the line is a horizontal line with a slope of 0. To match this slope, we look for graphs that have horizontal lines.

c. 5/4: The equation of the line would be y = (5/4)x + b. This means that the line has a positive slope of 5/4. To match this slope, we look for graphs that have lines with a positive inclination or inclination between 45 and 90 degrees.

d. -3: The equation of the line would be y = -3x + b. This means that the line has a negative slope of -3. To match this slope, we look for graphs that have lines with a negative inclination or inclination greater than 90 degrees.

By using this strategy, we can compare the given slopes to the inclinations of the lines in the graphs to identify the corresponding graphs.

no graphs here

we can not see your graphs

pick two points on line
slope = increase in y / increase in x

like if they are x = 1 , y = 10
and x = 3 , y = 5
increase in y = 5 - 10 = -5 (note went down, negative increase)
increase in x = 3 - 1 = 2
slope = -5/2 = -2.5