How did the development of the trust change the way businesses operated?

Managers were prevented from taking advantage of workers within their companies.

Companies were held to higher standards and prevented from acting illegally.

A small group of people could now own and operate multiple companies in an industry.

Business owners found that it was in their best interest to improve their products and services

How did industrialization improve life for many Americans?

Advances in technology led to more conveniences and a higher standard of living for a growing middle class.

Factory wages were high enough that women and children didn't need to work for the family to live comfortably.

Industrial jobs set reasonable hours for their workers, leaving enough room in the day for work and leisure.

Workers such as minorities and women were empowered by the right to work and were supported by their union.

Which of these was a goal shared by the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?

the eight-hour workday

overthrow of capitalism

equal pay for men and women

protection for unskilled workers

“Oh, give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride thru the wide-open country that I love
Don't fence me in . . .”

-By Cole Porter and Bob Fletcher

Use the passage to answer the question.

What struggle in the western frontier are the lines in the poem most likely describing?

Women in the West had fewer rights than those in the East and often wished they had more freedom.

Many farmers struggled to get the land they needed to start a farm and felt the space they had was not enough to be successful.

Miners and cowboys felt that their open range way of life would be over once their families arrived and helped establish law and order.

Cowboys could not access enough grass and water for their cows after ranchers sectioned it off with barbed wire.

Why were immigrants who arrived from southern and eastern Europe targets of discrimination?

These immigrants easily blended into the larger societies in which they settled.

These immigrants lacked support from their ethnic communities.

Their ability to speak English helped them compete for jobs.

Their religious practices were unfamiliar to other Americans.

What legal action during the Civil War ended slavery in states that had left the Union?

black codes

Plessy v. Ferguson

Emancipation Proclamation

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Anyone have the answers?

A. The development of the trust changed the way businesses operated by preventing managers from taking advantage of workers within their companies.

A. Industrialization improved life for many Americans by advances in technology leading to more conveniences and a higher standard of living for a growing middle class.

A. A goal shared by the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor was the eight-hour workday.

D. The struggle in the western frontier that the lines in the poem are most likely describing is that cowboys could not access enough grass and water for their cows after ranchers sectioned it off with barbed wire.

D. Immigrants who arrived from southern and eastern Europe were targets of discrimination because their religious practices were unfamiliar to other Americans.

C. The legal action during the Civil War that ended slavery in states that had left the Union was the Emancipation Proclamation.

Question 1: How did the development of the trust change the way businesses operated?

The answer is B. Companies were held to higher standards and prevented from acting illegally.

Explanation: The development of trusts in the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought together multiple companies under a single administration. These trusts were regulated by the government to prevent monopolistic practices and illegal activities. By holding companies to higher standards, trusts changed the way businesses operated by promoting fair competition and preventing illegal actions, such as price-fixing or market manipulation.

To arrive at this answer, the key is understanding the purpose and impact of trusts on businesses during that time period and eliminating the other options. By understanding the historical context and the role of trusts in business regulation, one can determine that option B is the most accurate depiction of how the development of trusts changed the way businesses operated.

Question 2: How did industrialization improve life for many Americans?

The answer is A. Advances in technology led to more conveniences and a higher standard of living for a growing middle class.

Explanation: Industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought about significant advancements in technology, which led to the production of a wide range of consumer goods and increased convenience in daily life. This rise in productivity and availability of goods contributed to a higher standard of living for many Americans, especially the growing middle class. Technological innovations such as electricity, the telephone, and the automobile transformed various aspects of life, making tasks easier, communication faster, and transportation more accessible.

To arrive at this answer, understanding the impact of industrialization on society is essential. Recognizing the connection between technological advancements, increased productivity, and the improvements in the quality of life helps identify the correct answer.

Question 3: Which of these was a goal shared by the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?

The answer is A. the eight-hour workday.

Explanation: Both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor were labor organizations that advocated for better conditions and rights for workers. One of the common goals shared by both organizations was the establishment of an eight-hour workday. They believed that reducing the hours worked per day would provide workers with better work-life balance, improved conditions, and fair wages.

To find the answer to this question, it is crucial to be familiar with the goals and priorities of these labor organizations during that time period. By analyzing the options provided and understanding the historical context, one can identify the shared goal of the eight-hour workday.

Question 4: What struggle in the western frontier are the lines in the poem most likely describing?

The answer is D. Cowboys could not access enough grass and water for their cows after ranchers sectioned it off with barbed wire.

Explanation: The lines in the poem describe a desire for wide-open spaces and freedom. During the western frontier expansion, the encroachment of settlement and the fencing off of land with barbed wire was a significant struggle for cowboys. The introduction of barbed wire by ranchers made it difficult for cowboys to find sufficient grass and water for their cattle, limiting their ability to roam freely.

To answer this question, one must recognize the historical context and the challenges faced by cowboys during the western frontier period. Understanding the impacts of ranching practices, such as the introduction of barbed wire, helps identify option D as the most fitting explanation.

Question 5: Why were immigrants who arrived from southern and eastern Europe targets of discrimination?

The answer is D. Their religious practices were unfamiliar to other Americans.

Explanation: Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe faced discrimination because their religious practices were often unfamiliar to other Americans. Many of these immigrants came from predominantly Catholic or Eastern Orthodox countries, which differed from the Protestant majority in the United States at that time. This cultural and religious difference led to misunderstandings, stereotypes, and discrimination against these immigrants.

To determine the answer, it is vital to consider the historical context and the factors that contributed to discrimination against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe. By understanding the cultural and religious differences and their impact on societal attitudes, one can identify option D as the most accurate explanation.

Question 6: What legal action during the Civil War ended slavery in states that had left the Union?

The answer is C. Emancipation Proclamation.

Explanation: The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, declared that all slaves in Confederate states were to be set free. While the Emancipation Proclamation did not immediately free all enslaved people, it laid the foundation for the eventual abolition of slavery and had a significant impact on the outcome of the war. It specifically applied to states that had left the Union and played a crucial role in ending slavery in those areas.

To determine the answer, one must be familiar with the history of the Civil War and the key legislation and actions taken during that time. Recognizing the significance and impact of the Emancipation Proclamation helps identify it as the correct answer.

How did the development of the trust change the way businesses operated?

Managers were prevented from taking advantage of workers within their companies.

Companies were held to higher standards and prevented from acting illegally.

A small group of people could now own and operate multiple companies in an industry.*

Business owners found that it was in their best interest to improve their products and services

How did industrialization improve life for many Americans?

Advances in technology led to more conveniences and a higher standard of living for a growing middle class.*

Factory wages were high enough that women and children didn't need to work for the family to live comfortably.

Industrial jobs set reasonable hours for their workers, leaving enough room in the day for work and leisure.

Workers such as minorities and women were empowered by the right to work and were supported by their union.

Which of these was a goal shared by the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?

the eight-hour workday

overthrow of capitalism*

equal pay for men and women

protection for unskilled workers

“Oh, give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above
Don't fence me in
Let me ride thru the wide-open country that I love
Don't fence me in . . .”

-By Cole Porter and Bob Fletcher

Use the passage to answer the question.

What struggle in the western frontier are the lines in the poem most likely describing?

Women in the West had fewer rights than those in the East and often wished they had more freedom.

Many farmers struggled to get the land they needed to start a farm and felt the space they had was not enough to be successful.

Miners and cowboys felt that their open range way of life would be over once their families arrived and helped establish law and order.*

Cowboys could not access enough grass and water for their cows after ranchers sectioned it off with barbed wire.

Why were immigrants who arrived from southern and eastern Europe targets of discrimination?

These immigrants easily blended into the larger societies in which they settled.

These immigrants lacked support from their ethnic communities.*

Their ability to speak English helped them compete for jobs.

Their religious practices were unfamiliar to other Americans.

What legal action during the Civil War ended slavery in states that had left the Union?

black codes

Plessy v. Ferguson

Emancipation Proclamation

Reconstruction Act of 1867*

my answer are the one with the star please check it

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