Chose which property justifies the statement: If GH=FD and FD=JR, then GH=JR

a. Reflexive
b. Symmetric
c. Transitive
d. Def. of Segments

man, with only 4 choices, this should not be hard.

But, just FYI, it's C
Better review the properties ...

The property that justifies the statement "If GH=FD and FD=JR, then GH=JR" is the transitive property.

To understand why, let's break it down step by step.

The transitive property states that if two quantities are equal to the same quantity, then they are equal to each other. In this case, GH is equal to FD and FD is equal to JR.

Using the transitive property, we can say that if GH is equal to FD and FD is equal to JR, then GH is equal to JR.

Therefore, the answer is c. Transitive.

i think it might be transitive property but i wanted to be sure