I A boat start sailing on Monday 10:00 at harbour A and sails 600km due north. Later it turns east for a further 420km to reach harbour B on Tuesday at 12:00.a)find total displacement from A-B average. b)speed of the trip.c)average velocity.

a) To find the total displacement from Harbour A to Harbour B, we need to calculate the distance between the two harbours. The boat first sails 600 km due north and then turns east for another 420 km.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can calculate the total displacement:

Total displacement = √(600^2 + 420^2)

Total displacement = √(360,000 + 176,400)

Total displacement = √536,400

Total displacement ≈ 732.11 km

So, the total displacement from A to B is approximately 732.11 km.

b) To find the speed of the trip, we need to calculate the total distance covered by the boat during the journey. The boat sailed 600 km due north and then turned east for 420 km.

Total distance = 600 km + 420 km

Total distance = 1,020 km

The boat started sailing on Monday at 10:00 and arrived at Harbour B on Tuesday at 12:00. The total time taken for the trip is 26 hours (from Monday 10:00 to Tuesday 12:00).

Speed = Total distance / Total time

Speed = 1,020 km / 26 hours

Speed ≈ 39.23 km/hour

So, the speed of the trip is approximately 39.23 km/hour.

c) To find the average velocity, we need to calculate the displacement vector and divide it by the total time taken.

Displacement vector = Total displacement from A to B = 732.11 km

Total time = 26 hours

Average velocity = Displacement vector / Total time

Average velocity = 732.11 km / 26 hours

Average velocity ≈ 28.16 km/hour

So, the average velocity of the trip is approximately 28.16 km/hour.