How were Massanet’s views about protection of the missions different from those of De León?

no she is not right... the answers are


This is for the quiz called Spanish Legacy

100! Than.ks If you woud rather the speling

1. D, Massanet felt thf missions only needeb a fem solders, while de lon felt they neebed a large numder.
2.D, I was stil standin g in bad shape and they had no susess conerting to Hasani.
3.B, The prest beleved that american indans woud have to become farmers in oreder to come civilizd.
4.C, to make cutbaks spend les mony and put less time and enrgy into pursung a goal.
5. A, the amercan revolotionary war
6. A, B

Sorry if i have bad speling...i have sort of bad dyslexia, o its hard for me to see these letters corectly. It was also to conusing to do 6 and 7. Im sorry if you cant under stand.

mom is 100% right

Anonymous and mom are right. Also thank you Anonymous for putting all that down and working through your dyslexia for people to get the questions right. I also have dyslexia so I know how hard it can be. Thank you.

we all from connexus? 💀

Will check "mom's" anwer. brb

anonymous is right 100%

yep mom and anonymous are 100% correct, thank you both.


Its corect thx