Drag and drop words and phrases to complete the sentences.

Imperial Crisis
Pax Romana
Great Schism
During the blank

, Roman generals warred over succession. These conflicts drew soldiers away from the frontier and made the empire vulnerable to blank

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During the Imperial Crisis, Roman generals warred over succession. These conflicts drew soldiers away from the frontier and made the empire vulnerable to invasion.

During the IMPERIAL CRISIS, Roman generals warred over succession. These conflicts drew soldiers away from the frontier and made the empire vulnerable to INVASION.

To answer this question, you need to understand the context of the Roman Empire during the Imperial Crisis. The Imperial Crisis refers to the period of political instability and military conflicts that occurred after the death of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in 180 CE. To find the answer, you should be familiar with this historical event and its implications on the Roman Empire.

The phrase "during the" signals that you need a term related to the Imperial Crisis to complete the sentence. The term "Imperial Crisis" accurately fits in the sentence.

The word "invasion" is the most suitable choice to complete the second part of the sentence. During the Imperial Crisis, the conflicts and power struggles among Roman generals weakened the empire's defenses and left it vulnerable to external threats, such as invasions from neighboring regions and barbarian tribes.