what important aspects were covered in the law of april 6, 1830 select all that apply (3 points)

To determine the important aspects covered in the Law of April 6, 1830, we need to refer to historical sources. Here are some steps to find the answer:

1. Open a search engine and enter "Law of April 6, 1830 Mexico."
2. Look for reputable historical sources like academic articles or official government websites.
3. Open one or more of the sources and search for information about the Law of April 6, 1830.
4. Read through the sources to identify the important aspects covered in the law.

As an AI language model, I don't have direct access to external sources. However, I can provide you with some possible aspects that were covered in the Law of April 6, 1830 based on historical knowledge:

1. Restriction of U.S. immigration to Mexico: The law limited immigration from the United States to Mexico, which aimed to prevent further population imbalances and potential conflicts.
2. Encouragement of European immigration: The law promoted European immigration to Mexico, particularly from countries such as France and Germany, to diversify and strengthen the Mexican population.
3. Regulation of land ownership: The law established regulations on land ownership, including limitations on land grants to foreigners and the annulment of unfulfilled land contracts.
4. Strengthening of control over Mexican territory: The law sought to solidify Mexican control over the northern frontier by establishing military bases and reinforcing garrisons in strategic locations.

Please note that these aspects are based on general historical knowledge and further research may provide more detailed and nuanced information.


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1 banning the importanti on of slaves

2 increase of tariffs
3 decrease of tariffs
4 the increase in the allowed number of slaves
5 lifting the property tax exemption