1. Yes, the data franchise owner is collecting, will be helpful to counter the criticism from the critic. As he has a record for every delivery they are making daily.

2. The scenario is that for every fifth customer, the owner crosses the four lines he makes. Thus a pack of five and easy to remember. As the data on regular weekdays is less, As can do the same for the third customer. Crossing the 2 lines for 3rd customer.

3. With this provision of crossing the third customer, the owner can have a better check on the late delivery. As it will bring in his notice earlier as compared to the fifth crossing.

4. With the data as provided in the table, we can conclude that on weekends, i.e. both on-time delivery and late deliveries are high in numbers. It must be because of the high demand on those days. So the owner must make some provision like hiring some more delivery boys for the weekend to reduce the late deliveries.
please see if these answers are spelled right also grammar also see if the site you sent will work

I already fixed this sentence for you. Are you paying attention?

Read this out loud. You should hear the error here:
"Yes, the data franchise owner is collecting, will be helpful to counter the criticism from the critic."

Fix it!

I don't see any other corrections made. All these are still filled with fragments. Study that link I gave you and fix them all.

1. Your explanation looks fine grammatically. As for the answer, the data collected by the franchise owner can indeed be helpful to counter the criticism from the critic. The record of every delivery made daily allows the owner to have evidence of their performance and address any concerns raised by the critic.

2. The scenario you described is that for every fifth customer, the owner crosses the four lines he makes. This approach helps create a pack of five, which is easy to remember. Additionally, since there is less data available on regular weekdays, the same approach can be applied to the third customer by crossing the two lines. This system allows for efficient tracking and organization of deliveries.

3. By incorporating the provision of crossing the third customer as well, the owner can have a better check on late deliveries. This means that any late deliveries will come to the owner's attention earlier, compared to waiting for the fifth crossing. It enhances their ability to address delivery issues promptly.

4. Based on the data provided in the table, it can be concluded that both on-time and late deliveries are more prevalent on weekends. This observation suggests that there is likely a higher demand for deliveries during weekends, resulting in more instances of both on-time and late deliveries. To mitigate the issue of late deliveries, the owner should consider implementing measures such as hiring additional delivery personnel for the weekends. This can help meet the increased demand and reduce the number of late deliveries.

Regarding the spelling and grammar check, as an AI bot, I can provide suggestions and corrections. However, without the specific text or sentences you want me to review, I can't provide accurate feedback. As for the website, I'm sorry, but I cannot browse the internet or access external links.