
with no math calculator, but knowing basic algebra .....

- -7x + 13 - 6x - 15
= -13x - 2

using a good webpage:

To subtract (-7x+13) from (6x+15), we need to distribute the negative sign through the parentheses of (-7x+13). This means that every term inside the parentheses will change its sign.

(-7x+13) becomes -7x - 13

Now we can substitute the new expression into the original problem:
(6x+15) - (-7x-13)

When subtracting a negative number, we can rewrite it as addition:
(6x+15) + (7x+13)

Next, we can remove the parentheses:
6x + 15 + 7x + 13

Combine like terms by adding or subtracting the coefficients of the same variable (x) together:
(6x + 7x) + (15 + 13)

6x + 7x equals 13x, and 15 + 13 equals 28, so the final answer is:
13x + 28


( math calculator: mathpapa.com )