A class of

students elected a class treasurer.
There were
votes for Candidate A and
votes for Candidate B.
The remaining students did not vote.

Which expression gives the percent of voters who voted for Candidate A?

Why did you repeat each of the numbers?

What are your choices? What is your answer?

100 * (votes for A/ total number of students)

To find the percent of voters who voted for Candidate A, we can use the following expression:

( Number of votes for Candidate A / Total number of votes ) * 100

In this case, the number of votes for Candidate A is 11 and the total number of votes is the sum of votes for Candidate A and votes for Candidate B, which is (11 + 15 = 26).

Let's plug in these values into the expression:

(11 / 26 ) * 100

Calculating this expression, we get:

(0.4230769230769231) * 100

Which is approximately 42.3%.

Therefore, the expression that gives the percent of voters who voted for Candidate A is:

( Number of votes for Candidate A / Total number of votes ) * 100

in this case, it would be:

(11 / 26) * 100 = 42.3%