Which equation is equivalent to

3(2x + 7) = 27

A. (3 * 2x) + 7 = 27

B. (3 * 9) x = 27

C. (3 * 2) + 3 * (x + 7) = 27

D. (3 * 2x) + (3 * 7) = 27
my answer is D. is it right

Yes, D.

Yes, you are correct! The equation D. (3 * 2x) + (3 * 7) = 27 is indeed equivalent to the equation 3(2x + 7) = 27.

To verify this, let's simplify both sides of the equation and see if they are equal:

Starting with the original equation 3(2x + 7) = 27:
First, distribute the 3 to both terms inside the parentheses:
6x + 21 = 27

Now, let's simplify the equation you chose, equation D. (3 * 2x) + (3 * 7) = 27:
Perform the operations inside the parentheses:
6x + 21 = 27

As you can see, both equations simplify to 6x + 21 = 27. Thus, equation D is equivalent to the original equation.

Keep in mind that to check if two equations are equivalent, you can simplify both sides of the equation and see if they result in the same expression or equation.