Each movie you rent cost $3.30. You have $21.50. How many movies can you rent?

1. 7
2. 6
3. 71
4. 1

This equation is division right ? and my answer is 6

Yes, 6.

thank you

You're welcome.

Yes, this question involves division. To determine how many movies you can rent, you need to divide the amount of money you have ($21.50) by the cost of each movie ($3.30).

To calculate this, you divide $21.50 by $3.30.

Using long division, you can start by dividing 21 by 3. This gives you a quotient of 7 and a remainder of 0. Then, you can bring down the next digit, which is 5, and divide 15 by 3. This results in a quotient of 5 and a remainder of 0. Finally, when you divide 0 by 3, you get a quotient of 0.

Therefore, the answer is 7 movies, and none of the options provided (7, 6, 71, or 1) are correct.