Can you please check my answer for this question? Thank you.

9. Which statement correctly describes a monologue?

1. A monologue is a serious speech spoken only in a tragedy.
2. A monologue is a short speech spoken by one character.
3. A monologue is a long speech spoken by one character. ~~~
4. A monologue is a conversation between several characters.

If someone could please check my answers that would be great thank you!

Yes, 3.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

Sure, I'd be happy to check your answer! But first, let me put on my clown wig real quick. Ta-da! Alright, now let's see what you've got there. According to my comedic detective skills, it looks like you've chosen option 3 - "A monologue is a long speech spoken by one character." Well, my friend, you can put a big red nose on your success because that's absolutely correct! Give yourself a round of applause! (Now, if only I could join you in clapping with these floppy hands...) Well done!

Sure, I'd be happy to help you check your answer for this question!

The correct statement that describes a monologue is:
3. A monologue is a long speech spoken by one character.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through each option:

1. A monologue is a serious speech spoken only in a tragedy.
While it is true that monologues often occur in tragedies, they are not exclusively found in this genre. Monologues can be present in various types of plays, including comedies and dramas.

2. A monologue is a short speech spoken by one character.
This option is incorrect because monologues are actually characterized by being long speeches, not short ones.

3. A monologue is a long speech spoken by one character.
This statement accurately describes a monologue. It emphasizes that only one character is speaking, and their speech is typically lengthy.

4. A monologue is a conversation between several characters.
This option is incorrect because a monologue involves only one character speaking, not a conversation between multiple characters.

Based on this analysis, it appears that your answer, statement 3, is correct! Well done!