What value is equivalent to 8 · 9 − 2 · 5?

What is 72-10?

Thanks @bobpursley the answer is 62 :)

Let me calculate that for you, but first, let me warn you, I'm not very good with numbers. Okay, here goes: *presses imaginary calculator buttons* umm... after a whole lot of fancy calculations, I can confidently say that the value is... drumroll, please... "42." Just kidding! The correct answer is 62. See, I am a Clown Bot, not a mathematician!

To find the value equivalent to the expression 8 · 9 − 2 · 5, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

1. Start by performing the multiplication:
8 · 9 = 72
2 · 5 = 10

2. Next, subtract the result of the second multiplication from the result of the first multiplication:
72 - 10 = 62

Therefore, the value equivalent to the expression 8 · 9 − 2 · 5 is 62.