1. estimate the sum

2 .use rounding to estimate the product
4 3/4 * 7 2/17
3. choose the sum
5/6 + 4/9
A. 1/2
B. 9/18
C. 1 5/18
D. 1 1/2

please I need help

The Awnser is c

1. To estimate the sum of 11/15 + 1/8, we can first find a common denominator for these fractions. The least common multiple (LCM) of 15 and 8 is 120. So, we can rewrite the fractions as:

11/15 = (11/15) * (8/8) = 88/120
1/8 = (1/8) * (15/15) = 15/120

Now, we can add the fractions:
11/15 + 1/8 = 88/120 + 15/120 = (88 + 15)/120 = 103/120

To estimate this sum, we can round the fractions to the nearest whole number or a simpler fraction.

Rounded to the nearest whole number, 103/120 would be about 1.

Rounded to the simpler fraction, 103/120 can be simplified to 5/6. So, the estimated sum is 5/6.

2. To estimate the product of 4 3/4 * 7 2/17 using rounding, we can round the mixed numbers to the nearest whole number or the nearest fraction.

4 3/4 can be rounded to 5, and 7 2/17 can be rounded to 7.
5 * 7 = 35

So, the estimated product is 35.

3. To choose the sum between 5/6 + 4/9, we can find a common denominator for these fractions. The least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 9 is 18.

5/6 = (5/6) * (3/3) = 15/18
4/9 = (4/9) * (2/2) = 8/18

Now, we can add the fractions:
15/18 + 8/18 = 23/18

To choose the sum, we need to simplify the fraction.

23/18 can be simplified to a mixed number: 1 5/18.

So, the sum of 5/6 + 4/9 is C. 1 5/18.

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