Hello Everybody. I am in need of help, if anybody can please help me understand I will be forever grateful to you. If you don't know and can't help that's okay. But this is what I need help with:

-My personal fitness goal:
**My personal fittness goal is to run 1 mile in 8 minutes or under**

-How much cardio I need (minutes per day and days per week):

Which types of cardio I should do? (Identify at least two)

How will the types of cardio I have chosen align with my fitness goals?

Performance tips to keep in mind for each type of cardio I identified:

Please Help Someone.

Please help, I don't want answers just help understanding.

Mrs.Sue Help me!!!

Hi! I'm here to help you understand how to achieve your fitness goal of running 1 mile in 8 minutes or under. Let's break it down step by step:

1. How much cardio you need: To improve your running speed and endurance, you'll need to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your routine. The recommended amount of cardio for adults is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. Since your goal is quite specific, you may need to do more than this minimum requirement.

To determine how many minutes of cardio you need per day and days per week, you can start by dividing your weekly cardio goal by the number of days you plan to exercise. For example, if you want to exercise 5 days a week, you could aim for around 30 minutes of cardio each day (150 minutes divided by 5 days).

2. Types of cardio: Here are two types of cardio exercises you can consider:

- Running/jogging: This directly aligns with your fitness goal as running can help improve your running speed and endurance. It will specifically target the muscles and cardiovascular system used in running, allowing you to become more efficient and faster.
- High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with periods of active recovery. This type of cardio can be beneficial for boosting your cardiovascular capacity and aiding in increasing your running speed.

3. Alignment with fitness goals: Both running and HIIT are excellent choices to align with your fitness goal of running 1 mile in 8 minutes or under. They both emphasize cardiovascular endurance, improve your stamina, and offer opportunities to work on speed.

4. Performance tips: Here are some general performance tips for each type of cardio:

- Running/jogging: Gradually increase your mileage and speed over time. Incorporate interval training, hill sprints, and tempo runs to build strength and speed. Ensure you have proper running form and invest in quality running shoes for support.
- HIIT: Focus on short bursts of maximum effort during the intense intervals. Use exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and elevate your heart rate significantly. Allow enough recovery time during the active recovery periods to maintain the high-intensity efforts.

Remember, consistency and gradual progression are key when working towards your fitness goals. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before starting any new exercise program. Good luck on your journey to achieving your mile time goal!