How did the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 change?

The purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 changed due to the evolving political climate and growing tensions in France. The Estates-General was an assembly that represented the three estates, or classes, of French society: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners (also known as the Third Estate).

Originally, the purpose of convening the Estates-General was to address France's financial and political crisis. King Louis XVI called for this meeting in order to seek solutions to the country's mounting debt and to gain support for his proposed reforms. However, the purpose of the meeting shifted dramatically as the delegates began their discussions.

The Third Estate, which represented the commoners and constituted the majority of the population, had grievances against the social and political system that heavily favored the clergy and the nobility. They sought to eliminate the privileges enjoyed by the other two estates and to establish a more representative and equitable system of government. As a result, they advocated for voting to occur on a per-member basis, rather than by estate, which would significantly diminish the influence of the clergy and nobility.

This demand for greater representation and equality ultimately led to the transformation of the Estates-General into the National Assembly. On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate declared itself the National Assembly and proclaimed that they would write a new constitution for France. This marked a significant shift in the purpose of the meeting, as it shifted from discussing financial matters to becoming a platform for revolutionary change.

To get a more detailed understanding of how the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 changed, you can refer to historical accounts, journals, and primary sources from that time period. These sources will provide you with in-depth insights into the evolving political context and the reasons behind the transformation of the meeting into the National Assembly.