What was the result of the French and Indian War? *

A. France lost land claims in North America while Britain grained Canada and most French lands east of the Mississippi River***
B. Spain gained Canada and Britain gained New Orleans.
C. Land east of the Mississippi River was divided equally between France and Britain.
D. France began moving west to settle new lands.

I agree.

The correct answer is A. France lost land claims in North America while Britain gained Canada and most French lands east of the Mississippi River.

To arrive at this answer, one can examine the historical events surrounding the French and Indian War. The war, fought between 1754 and 1763, was a conflict between the British and French over control of North America. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

To find the result of the war, one can look for information about the Treaty of Paris. This treaty was the official document that defined the terms of peace between the warring parties. By consulting historical sources or references, one can learn that as a result of the war, France lost its land claims in North America.

Furthermore, Britain gained control over Canada and most French lands east of the Mississippi River. This means that option A is the correct answer, while the other options are not supported by historical evidence.