Which of the following is an example of the relationship between culture and geography?

A civilization isolated by mountains develops its own language.

Trade develops between two groups of people who use different economic systems.

People meet to discuss changes to their form of government.

Religious beliefs are passed down from one generation to another.

i think its D but im not sure

nvm i got A lol

It's A

What are all the other answers to the test

What does D have to do with geography?

Hi! Here are the answers for Unit 2 Lesson 13 Introduction to Geography Unit Test. I promise 100% it is correct. (For 6th grade Connections Academy)

1. Study the diagram. Drag each term into the correct box.
Layer 1: Core
Layer 2: Mantle
Layer 3: Crust

2. Which of the following is a reason why historians may want to consider opinions as well as facts reported by a source?
B. The opinions may provide clues to the source's feelings and possible bias.

3. The water cycle includes
evaporation and precipitation.

4. How are equal-area projections of Earth inaccurate?
B. Directions and the shapes of the landmasses are distorted.

5. What causes earthquakes?
A. Blocks of crust slide against one another, often at plate boundaries.

6. If the demand for a good or service increases, how will prices affect supply?
A. Rising prices will boost supply.

7. Which of the following climate conditions would best support a tropical rain forest ecosystem?
D. moist air and hot temperatures

8. Which is a right that both citizens and non-citizens in the U.S. share?
B. the right to religious freedom

9. Hip-hop began as a musical style in the United States decades ago. The Japanese have since developed their own version of hip-hop. This is an example of...
cultural diffusion

10. Which is the difference between a renewable resource and a nonrenewable resource?
D. A renewable resource can be replaced in the near future, and a nonrenewable resource cannot be replaced for many lifetimes.

11. Which of these causes of migration is an example of a pull factor?
C. job availability

12. How do countries seek to increase economic development?
B. invest in education and fund capital projects

13. Which of the following correctly pairs a branch of the U.S. government and its power?
C. executive: enforces laws

14. Which of the following is an example of the relationship between culture and geography?
A. A civilization isolated by mountains develops its own language.

15. Which field of research answers questions about how people lived in different places and times by focusing on human development and culture?
B. anthropology

16. The map shows that the location of 20 degrees south latitude, 20 degrees east longitude, is on the continent of...

17. Which is one duty of U.S. citizens?
A. to vote in elections

18. Which of these is an example of cooperation between cultures?
B. several official languages

19. Which is an example of an institution basic to all societies?
A. government

20. How do direct and representative democracies differ?
A. In a direct democracy, people vote on issues themselves.

Thank you,

Yep -- "mountains" was your best clue. The other 3 possibilities have nothing to do with geography; they can/could/did happen just about anywhere!

A is right, all good guys.


I think its A

Yeah, I got A.