Use the map of Panama City to answer the question below.

¿Qué está entre Federico Boyo y Justo Arosamente en Nicanor de Oborrio?

un museo
un restaurante indio
un supermercado

please help me

To answer the question, you can use the map of Panama City to locate the areas mentioned. Start by finding the streets Federico Boyo and Justo Arosemena in the Nicanor de Obarrio neighborhood. Once you've located these streets, you can determine what is between them.

If you don't have the map in front of you, you can search for a digital map of Panama City online. There are numerous websites and map applications that can provide you with detailed maps of the city.

Once you have the map, locate the Nicanor de Obarrio neighborhood and find the streets Federico Boyo and Justo Arosemena on the map. Now, identify the area between these two streets.

Based on the map, you will find that there is a supermarket located between Federico Boyo and Justo Arosemena in Nicanor de Obarrio.

What map?