The weight of a person on Venus varies directly with his or her weight on Earth. A person weighing 120 pounds on Earth weighs 106 pounds on Venus. How much would a person weighing 180 pounds on Earth weigh on Venus?

120 pounds

159 pounds

176 pounds

226 pounds

And your work and choice of answer is .... ?


To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion to find the weight of a person on Venus given their weight on Earth.

Let's define the variables:
Let W represent the weight of the person on Earth
Let V represent the weight of the person on Venus

According to the problem statement, the weight on Venus varies directly with the weight on Earth. This means we can set up the following proportion:

V / W = 106 / 120

To find the weight on Venus for a person weighing 180 pounds on Earth, we can use this proportion. Let's substitute the values:

V / 180 = 106 / 120

To solve for V, we can cross-multiply:

V * 120 = 180 * 106

V * 120 = 19,080

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 120:

V = 19,080 / 120

V ≈ 159

Therefore, a person weighing 180 pounds on Earth would weigh approximately 159 pounds on Venus.

The correct answer is (B) 159 pounds.