Which statement best captures the authors point of view and purpose in this article?

A.Third person point of vies allows the author to explore the ethical mistakes of a psychologist

B.Third person point of view allows the author to describe an influential psychological experiment.

C.First person point of view allows the author to highlight his views on the proper and improper methods of psychological experiments.

D.First person point of view allows the author to encourage readers to be careful of conforming the social roles.

A or B

Ok over 250 people have seen this but only two other people have responded including a teacher this is sad cuz I’m there are some of you who know the answers but aren’t sharing.

Its B.

To determine the correct answer, we first need to understand the concept of point of view and purpose in writing.

Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story or article is told. It can be either in the first person (using "I" or "we") or the third person (using "he," "she," or "they"). The point of view chosen by an author can impact the way information is presented and the level of objectivity conveyed.

Purpose in writing refers to the reason or intention behind the author's decision to write. It can be to inform, persuade, entertain, or express personal views.

Now, let's analyze the statements provided:

A. Third person point of view allows the author to explore the ethical mistakes of a psychologist.
This statement suggests that the author's main purpose is to focus on the ethical mistakes of a psychologist and that the third person point of view is used to achieve this. However, it doesn't capture the broader perspective of the entire article.

B. Third person point of view allows the author to describe an influential psychological experiment.
This statement suggests that the author's main purpose is to describe an influential psychological experiment and that the third person point of view is used to fulfill this purpose. While it indicates a specific focus on an experiment, it doesn't capture the author's broader point of view.

C. First person point of view allows the author to highlight his views on the proper and improper methods of psychological experiments.
This statement suggests that the author's main purpose is to express his views on the proper and improper methods of psychological experiments and that the first person point of view is chosen to achieve this. However, this perspective is not mentioned in the question or article itself.

D. First person point of view allows the author to encourage readers to be careful of conforming to social roles.
This statement suggests that the author's main purpose is to encourage readers to be cautious about conforming to social roles, and that the first person point of view is employed for this purpose. This statement aligns with the idea of promoting reader vigilance regarding social roles, which seems to be a prominent theme in the given article.

Based on the analysis above, the statement that best captures the author's point of view and purpose in the article is:
D. First person point of view allows the author to encourage readers to be careful of conforming to social roles.

What article?

Who is the author?