I need someone to check my answer for this question please!

Explain the difference in meaning between |-3| and -3.
My answer is
The difference between |-3| and -3 is simple: the difference is absolute value. |-3| is read as 'the absolute value of negative three', which means its total distance in units from the number line. So, the |-3| is 3.
Thank you sooooo much!

total distance in units from the number line

but it is ON the number line.
You mean total distance from ZERO on the number line.

Thank you so much! This really helped!

You are welcome.

Your answer is correct! The difference between |-3| and -3 is indeed the concept of absolute value. |-3| represents the absolute value of -3, which gives the distance of -3 from zero on the number line. In this case, the absolute value of -3 is 3, because it is 3 units away from zero in the negative direction. On the other hand, -3 is simply a negative integer without considering its distance from zero. So, |-3| = 3, while -3 remains as -3. Well done!