The scale on a drawing is 3:1. Which statement is true? Select all that apply.

The scale drawing is three times the size of the actual object.

The scale drawing is 31 times the size of the actual object.

The scale drawing is one-third the size of the actual object.

If the actual object is 2 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 cm long.

If the actual object is 6 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 cm long.

If the actual object is 6 cm long, the scale drawing will be 2 cm long.

PsyDAG thats what it is

The correct statements are:

A. The scale drawing is three times the size of the actual object.
D. If the actual object is 2 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 cm long.

To determine which statements are true, we need to understand what a scale of 3:1 means. In a scale drawing, the first number represents the size of the drawing, while the second number represents the size of the actual object.

A. The statement "The scale drawing is three times the size of the actual object" is not correct. Since the scale is 3:1, the drawing will be smaller, not larger than the actual object.

B. The statement "The scale drawing is 31 times the size of the actual object" is not correct. The scale is 3:1, so the drawing is not 31 times the size of the actual object.

C. The statement "The scale drawing is one-third the size of the actual object" is correct. Since the scale is 3:1, the drawing will be one-third the size of the actual object.

D. The statement "If the actual object is 2 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 cm long" is not correct. To determine the length of the scale drawing, we need to multiply the actual object's length by the scale. So, if the actual object is 2 cm long, the scale drawing will be 2 x 3 = 6 cm long.

E. The statement "If the actual object is 6 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 cm long" is not correct. The scale is 3:1, so if the actual object is 6 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 x 3 = 18 cm long.

F. The statement "If the actual object is 6 cm long, the scale drawing will be 2 cm long" is not correct. If the actual object is 6 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 x 3 = 18 cm long, not 2 cm.

Therefore, the correct statements are:

C. The scale drawing is one-third the size of the actual object.
D. If the actual object is 2 cm long, the scale drawing will be 6 cm long.

So, the correct options are C and D.

It would help if you proofread your questions before you posted them. Why would you make a drawing "31 times the size of the actual object"?

What are the units for the 3 and the 1?