In this image,contrast was created by?

A.Using different color from the color wheel.
B.Using the same value throughout the piece.
C.Using darker and lighter values of blue.
D.Using complementary color.

got 4 of five for hipergirl answers are

C. using darker and lighter values of blue.
D. create the illusion that the individual is a three-dimensional form.
D. differences in the light and dark values
B. to show the ridge and opposite sides of the sand dunes
D. the petals would not look like they were three-dimensional

The Answers are


Those are not the answers I got 1/5

give us the right answers

YOOOO I didnt think you were right but you were thank you DabOnYourDadWithABaseballBat!

Im going to have passing grades all year cuz of this sight!

thanks i got one hundred

thanks guys

What do you mean what?

ho is wrong dont trust him i only got 1/5

I got 5/5. 100%

1) C
2) D
3) D
4) B
5) D