In a class of 40 students,the number of students who study history is 10 more than those who study French,if 8 students study both subject,then how many study French and how many study history ?

H = the number of the number of who study history

F = the number of the number of who study French

If 8 students study both subject and the class has 40 students then:

40 - 8 = 32 students who study French, or History.

F + H = 32

The number of students who study history is 10 more than those who study French means:

H = F + 10

Replace thin in equation:

F + H = 32

F + F + 10 = 32

2 F + 10 = 32

2 F = 32 - 10 = 22

F = 22 / 2

F = 11

H = F + 10

H = 11 + 10 = 21

11 students study French

21 students study History

8 students study both subject

Nice, this answer is accurate according to my workout. Thank you dear

Accurate answer per my workouts👌👌👍👍👊👊❤❤

In a diagram form

What is this


Wrong work

To determine the number of students studying French and history, let's follow this step-by-step approach:

Step 1: Set up variables
Let x represent the number of students studying French.
Since the number of students studying history is 10 more than those studying French, the number of students studying history is x + 10.

Step 2: Count the number of students
From the given information, we know that 8 students study both French and history. This means that the total number of students studying French or history is x + (x + 10) - 8.

Step 3: Use the number of students in the class
The question mentions that the class consists of 40 students. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

x + (x + 10) - 8 = 40

Step 4: Solve for x
Simplifying the equation, we have:
2x + 2 = 40
2x = 40 - 2
2x = 38
x = 38/2
x = 19

Therefore, there are 19 students studying French (x = 19) and 19 + 10 = 29 students studying history.

That's not the same question