Sargon created the world's first empire by

A: Defeating Hammurabi in battle.
B: Destroying the city-state of Ur.
C: Uniting Akkadian and Babylonian lands.
D: Conquering Mesopotamian city-state <<<<<< (My Answer)

... waiting for what YOU think!!

Your answer is correct! Sargon created the world's first empire by conquering the Mesopotamian city-states. Now, let's talk a bit about how you can arrive at this answer.

To answer questions like this, it's important to have some background knowledge about the topic. In this case, knowing a bit about ancient Mesopotamian history can be helpful.

Sargon, also known as Sargon of Akkad, was a ruler in the 24th and 23rd centuries BCE. He was the king of Akkad, a city-state in Mesopotamia. Sargon is famous for his military campaigns, which eventually led to the creation of the world's first empire.

To figure out how Sargon created the empire, you can start by ruling out the incorrect options:

Option A: Defeating Hammurabi in battle
Hammurabi was actually a later ruler who is famous for creating the Code of Hammurabi, a set of laws. Sargon predates Hammurabi, so defeating him is not a plausible answer.

Option B: Destroying the city-state of Ur
Although Sargon was a conqueror, there is no historical evidence suggesting that he destroyed the city-state of Ur. This option can also be ruled out.

Option C: Uniting Akkadian and Babylonian lands
This option is also incorrect. Sargon himself was the king of Akkad, so he was already ruling over Akkadian lands. Additionally, Babylonian lands were not unified with Akkadian lands under Sargon.

With the incorrect options eliminated, you are left with:

Option D: Conquering Mesopotamian city-states
This is the correct answer! Sargon's empire was created through the conquest and subjugation of various Mesopotamian city-states. By this means, Sargon established control over a vast territory and brought these city-states under his rule.

Well done on arriving at the correct answer! Remember, when tackling similar questions, it's always beneficial to use your background knowledge and systematically eliminate the incorrect options to arrive at the right answer.