Can some someone tell me the moral of the white knight by eric nicol

Can you decribe it better then just handing it to google, that dosent help alot.

To find the moral of the story "The White Knight" by Eric Nicol, you can start by analyzing the main themes and messages conveyed in the narrative. The story explores the concept of prejudice and discrimination based on appearances, as well as the universal desire for acceptance and belonging.

To begin, read the story carefully and take note of key events and character interactions. Start by identifying the main character, the white knight, and his peculiar appearance, which sets him apart from others. Pay attention to how the other characters in the story react to him.

Consider the white knight's actions and words throughout the story. Reflect on how he reacts to the discrimination he faces and how he handles the situations he encounters. Additionally, examine any conflicts that arise and whether there is any resolution or lesson learned.

Next, think about the broader context of the story. Consider the social and cultural context in which the story is set, and how that may influence the characters' behavior and reactions. Explore whether the story's themes are relevant to real-world issues or situations.

Finally, after assessing all these elements, you should be able to derive the moral of the story. It could be a lesson about the dangers of judging others based on appearance, an exploration of the courage required to rise above discrimination, or a message about the importance of acceptance and inclusion.

Remember, the interpretation of a story's moral can vary from person to person, depending on their own perspectives and experiences. So, take your time to analyze the story's elements, and form your own conclusion about the moral of "The White Knight" by Eric Nicol.

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